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Ressource(s) trouvée(s): 265

  1. Lifestyle
    Length 00:05:00

    Does smoking or vaping increase your pain? Did you know that?  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    Did you know that smoking and pain interact with each other?! This short training, developed as part of a project for the Chair in Teaching Leadership at Laval University, aims to explain the impact of smoking on chronic pain, describe possible strategies to reduce smoking, and provide resources to support you in quitting. Happy viewing!"

    Reference: Catherine Duclos, student in medicine at Laval University (Quebec, Canada). Under the supervision of Dr. Anne Marie Pinard, Leadership Chair in Chronic Pain Education.

    Proposed by: Anne Marie Pinard, 2024/11/11

  1. Lifestyle
    Length 00:05:00

    Does smoking or vaping increase your pain? Did you know that?  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    Did you know that smoking and pain interact with each other?! This short training, developed as part of a project for the Chair in Teaching Leadership at Laval University, aims to explain the impact of smoking on chronic pain, describe possible strategies to reduce smoking, and provide resources to support you in quitting. Happy viewing!"

    Reference: Catherine Duclos, student in medicine at Laval University (Quebec, Canada). Under the supervision of Dr. Anne Marie Pinard, Leadership Chair in Chronic Pain Education.

    Proposed by: Anne Marie Pinard, 2024/11/11

  2. Pain education
    Length 02:11:00

    "How we feel" - The Brain Coloring and Learning Book - Volume 2  En, Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    In this second volume of the educational coloring book about the brain, dive into the fascinating world of the neuroscience of touch and pain. Discover how our brain perceives pain and how it can also help relieve it, all while having fun coloring! This book is designed to be accessible to everyone, both children and adults. If you enjoy this volume, you will also appreciate the first one, which explores the brain as a whole (same autors).

    Reference: Maria Zamphir, Ph. D. ,et Marion Van Horn, Ph. D. Mc Gill University

    Proposed by: Hélène Beaudry, 2024/11/06

  3. Pain education
    Length 04:00:00

    Dealing with chronic pain : book  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    Back pain, migraines and fibromyalgia are increasingly common in the West. Recent neuroscience research has revealed that, although it appears to originate in the body, chronic pain is in most cases generated by neural short-circuits. In the light of this knowledge, psychotherapist Alan Gordon has developed a brain reconditioning therapy using techniques used in psychology to break the cycle of chronic pain. Happy reading!

    Reference: Par Alan Gordon et Alon Zyr Les éditions de l'Homme.

    Proposed by: Pascale Marier-Deschênes, 2024/09/30

  4. Pain education
    Length 00:30:00

    "Le mal invisible", a series on chronic pain  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This series, made up of four 30-minute episodes, presents the stories of 4 people living with chronic pain. They talk about how their pain has changed their lives, and the impact it has had on them. These stories are highlighted by contributions from various chronic pain experts, including Dr. Anne Marie Pinard and Yves de Koninck.

    Reference: Savoir Media

    Proposed by: , 2024/09/04

  5. Pain education
    Length 00:07:28

    Enduring occupational pattern  Fr


    This educational video on enduring occupational pattern was created by two graduating occupational therapy students, under the supervision of Émilie Lagueux and Julie Masse, occupational therapists at the Université de Sherbrooke and Université de Montréal respectively. The capsule, aimed at the general public, aims to educate and inform about this aspect of chronic pain.

    Reference: Zacharie Vallières et Oussama Yahiaoui, sous la supervision d'Émilie Lagueux (UdeS) et Julie Masse (UdeM)

    Proposed by: Julie Massé, 2024/03/13

  6. Pain education
    Length 00:06:36

    Avoiding occupational patterns  Fr


    This educational video on occupational pattern avoidance was created by two graduating occupational therapy students, under the supervision of Émilie Lagueux and Julie Masse, occupational therapists at the Université de Sherbrooke and Université de Montréal respectively. The capsule, aimed at the general public, aims to educate and inform about this aspect of chronic pain.

    Reference: Zacharie Vallières et Oussama Yahiaoui, sous la supervision d'Émilie Lagueux (UdeS) et Julie Masse (UdeM)

    Proposed by: Julie Massé, 2024/03/13

  7. Activity pacing
    Length 00:30:00

    Patient evaluation booklet  Fr


    This evaluation and follow-up booklet was created by the Pain Management Advisory Service of the CSSS Pierre-Boucher to help patients evaluate their pain and report pain-related difficulties to the healthcare professionals they encounter.

    Reference: Service Consultatif de Gestion de la Douleur du CSSS Pierre-Boucher

    Proposed by: Hélène Beaudry,

  8. Pain education

    Neuropath Centre for Pain and Spine  En


    This site lists the largest network of interdisciplinary spine and chronic pain clinics in Ontario and surrounding areas in Canada. A video on the page introduces chronic pain and its multifactorial aspects.

    Reference: Neupath Centre for Pain and Spine

    Proposed by: ,

  9. Lifestyle
    Length 00:50:00

    Intimacy and fibromyalgia  Fr


    This document discusses the relationship between chronic pain and sexuality, associated symptoms and management.

    Reference: Societe Quebecoise de la Firbomyalgie

    Proposed by: ,

  10. Pain education
    Length 00:35:00

    Fatigue and non-restorative sleep in fibromyalgia  Fr


    This document discusses two symptoms that are very common among people with fibromyalgia: fatigue and unrefreshing sleep. Several tips are also given in the document.

    Reference: Societe Quebecoise de la firbomyalgie

    Proposed by: ,

  11. Medication
    Length 00:44:00

    Treatments to relieve fibromyalgia sufferers  Fr


    This document describes the different pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments that can be proposed for people suffering from fibromyalgia

    Reference: Société Québécoise de la fibromyalgie

    Proposed by: ,

  12. Partner in your care

    Lumbar exercices  Fr


    This website from the physiotherapy clinic "Physioathlas," located in Estrie, offers various lumbar physiotherapy exercises for stretching, strengthening, and mobility. Don't hesitate to show them to a rehabilitation professional to validate their usefulness in treating your condition.

    Reference: Clinique de physiothérapie - PhysioAthlas

    Proposed by: Anne Marie Pinard,

  13. Pain education
    Length 00:18:46

    Understanding and managing pain in Parkinson's disease  Fr


    Many patients experience pain associated with Parkinson's disease, yet this aspect is often overlooked. However, it is indeed the quality of life that is at stake when one suffers and experiences bodily pain. "France Parkinson", guided and advised by pain and Parkinson's specialists, has made it a priority to address this issue by creating this booklet to help you articulate your pains and propose solutions to alleviate your daily discomfort.

    Reference: France Parkinson

    Proposed by: Iulia Tufa,

  14. Pain education

    Portal : Overcoming pain  En, Fr


    This portal is designed for chronic pain sufferers who want to find resources on their conditions, as well as connect with community members, find support from advisors and participate in activities (webinars, workshops).

    Reference: Power over pain, Institut de recherche de l'Hôpital d'Ottawa

    Proposed by: Hélène Beaudry, 2024/05/09

  15. Pain education
    Length 01:00:00

    Move to feel better: but take it easy!  Fr


    This french online conference, organized by the Quebec Association of Chronic Pain (AQDC), focuses on physical activity in the context of chronic pain. It allows individuals with chronic pain to identify the physiological effect of pain, demystify what is meant by "physical activity," reflect on activities that meet their needs, and most importantly, how to maintain them over time.

    Reference: Chantal Dore, occupational therapist Andreanne Lamarre, master's candidate in occupational therapy Ginette Ladouceur, patient partner

    Proposed by: Hélène Beaudry, 2024/05/09

  16. Pain education

    Yoga for yourself : relieve chronic pain  Fr


    This book, including a DVD, offers various yoga exercises to use in your daily life to reduce your pain and improve your quality of life. Scientifically and medically validated by Dr. David Lussier, a physician specializing in chronic pain management, this book was written by Annie Courtecuisse, a yoga teacher. Price: $27.95 (DVD included). Available at all bookstores and some pharmacies.

    Reference: Annie Courtecuisse, specialized yoga teacher for seniors (since 2009). Foreword by Dr. David Lussier, geriatrician and medical director of the chronic pain management clinic at the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal.

    Proposed by: Hélène Beaudry, 2024/05/09

  17. Pain education

    Taming pain and suffering  Fr


    To incorporate certain relaxation techniques, understanding the mechanisms of pain and suffering through scientific studies and clinical trials is important. In this book, the authors emphasize the effectiveness and daily benefits of these approaches in pain management. Price: $34.95 (includes 2 CDs). Available at all bookstores and some pharmacies.

    Reference: Dr. Michel Dufour, physician - orthopedagogue, lecturer and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) specialist. Dr Jean Lamarche, medical doctor, scientific and medical manager.

    Proposed by: Hélène Beaudry, 2024/05/09

  18. Lifestyle

    Pain: from suffering to well-being  Fr


    In this book, Marie-Josée Rivard, psychologist, discusses the biopsychosocial model of pain and informs the general public about new therapeutic approaches in the field. She also offers effective tools (advice, techniques) for managing your pain on a daily basis. Dr. Marie-Josée Rivard is a psychologist, author, speaker, and specialist in chronic pain management. Price: $34.95 or $13.95 (pocket format). Available at all bookstores and in English.

    Reference: Marie-Josée Rivard, psychologist, author, lecturer and specialist in chronic pain management.

    Proposed by: Hélène Beaudry, 2024/05/09

  19. Pain education

    Free yourself from pain  Fr


    In this book, Frédérick Dionne, psychologist and researcher, offers an approach based on mindfulness meditation and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to learn to live with pain. Price: $29.95. Published by Les Éditions Payot & Rivages

    Reference: Frederick Dionne, psychologist and researcher (UQTR)

    Proposed by: Hélène Beaudry, 2024/05/09

  20. Lifestyle

    Living with chronic pain  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    Michel Lorrain, a Quebecois physician and massage therapist, offers various advice and therapeutic approaches in this book to improve your daily life with chronic pain. ""It is as a physician, someone experiencing chronic pain, and a researcher that he shares his personal experiences."" Price: $20.00 + shipping fees

    Reference: Dr Michel Lorrain, physician and massage therapist

    Proposed by: Hélène Beaudry, 2024/05/09

  21. Lifestyle
    Length 00:26:06

    Better understanding and living with fibromyalgia  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This information guide, created by the Quebec Fibromyalgia Society, will help you better understand this condition, assist you in managing your health, and consequently, improve your quality of life.

    Reference: Société québécoise de la fibromyalgie

    Proposed by: Anne Marie Pinard, 2024/05/09

  22. Pain education

    Teaming up to deal with chronic pain  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This book was written by health care professionals from a variety of fields to address the questions and needs of patients with chronic pain

    Reference: Les productions Odon

    Proposed by: , 2022/11/15

  23. Lifestyle
    Length 01:01:23

    Demystifying arthritis in 2022  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This public lecture, presented by Dr. Paul Fortin, is designed to discuss the myths and realities, the impact and the evolution of arthritis treatments. It is intended for patients, caregivers, health care professionals and anyone who is in contact with patients suffering from arthritis.

    Reference: Paul Fortin / Faculté de médecine de l'Université Laval

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  24. Lifestyle
    Length 00:12:37

    Move to beat chronic pain  Fr


    This specialist-led rehabilitation program helps reduce chronic non-cancer pain in patients.

    Reference: e-Bouger, Université de Montréal Yvan Campbell

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  25. Lifestyle
    Length 02:00:11

    Chronic pain and physiotherapy  Fr


    In this podcast, Alexis Gougeon, physiotherapist, discusses the science of pain, physiotherapy practices for its treatment and the differences between the rehabilitation professions (chiropractic, osteopathy, physiotherapy).

    Reference: En tête à tête avec la science - Alexis Gougeon

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  26. Pain education
    Length 00:07:28

    The Move to Overcome Pain Channel  Fr


    This video is a testimonial from a chronic pain patient who has returned to physical activity and improved her quality of life.

    Reference: Yvan Campbell

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  27. Social network
    Length 00:03:34

    Testimony of neuropathic pain  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This video is a testimonial from a neuropathic pain patient about her symptoms, her care path and her daily life.

    Reference: We Are Patients

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  28. Lifestyle
    Length 00:02:59

    Living with inflammatory/autoimmune peripheral neuropathy (episode 6)  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This video is intended to inform people with peripheral neuropathy, their loved ones or health professionals about the different non-pharmacological approaches available, such as physical exercise or psychological follow-up. Rehabilitation professionals, psychologists and hypnotherapists are allies in helping you improve your quality of life.

    Reference: Association Française contre les neuropathies périphériques (ANFP)

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  29. Medication
    Length 00:04:19

    Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculonevritis (CIDP)  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This video is intended to inform people with IPDC, family members or health care professionals about the various treatment options.

    Reference: Association Française contre les neuropathies périphériques (ANFP)

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  30. Pain education
    Length 00:04:22

    Diagnosis of chronic autoimmune neuropathies (episode 4)  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This video is intended to inform people with peripheral neuropathy, family members or health care professionals about the diagnosis and the methods used by specialized physicians.

    Reference: Association Française contre les neuropathies périphériques (ANFP)

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  31. Pain education
    Length 00:03:26

    Understanding chronic autoimmune neuropathies (episode 3)  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This video is intended to inform people with peripheral neuropathy, family members or health care professionals about the etiology of peripheral neuropathy and the symptoms associated with it.

    Reference: Association Française contre les neuropathies périphériques (ANFP)

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  32. Pain education
    Length 00:04:28

    Chronic autoimmune neuropathies: Nerves and nerve impulses (episode 2)  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This video is intended to inform people with peripheral neuropathy, family members or health care professionals about the neurophysiology of the body, i.e. the nerves and nerve impulses involved in the pathology.

    Reference: Association Française contre les neuropathies périphériques (ANFP)

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  33. Pain education
    Length 00:04:06

    Chronic autoimmune neuropathies: Understanding the peripheral nervous system (episode 1)  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This video is intended to inform people with peripheral neuropathy, family members or health care professionals about the mechanisms of the peripheral nervous system involved in the pathology.

    Reference: Association Française contre les neuropathies périphériques (ANFP)

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  34. Pain education
    Length 00:21:27

    Peripheral Neuropathy: Patient Pathways  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This video from the French Association against Peripheral Neuropathies gives the floor to three patients living with peripheral neuropathy, a neurologist and a researcher. These testimonies allow a better understanding of the life paths of patients and the progress still needed in the management of patients.

    Reference: Association Française contre les neuropathies périphériques (ANFP)

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  35. Pain education
    Length 00:09:20

    What if chronic pain no longer meant suffering?  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This video from a PAINtalks 2018 talk discusses different concepts of pain to deconstruct the myth of "constant suffering" to define chronic pain

    Reference: Fannie Allen Demers

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  36. Pain education
    Length 00:10:31

    Tricking the brain to relieve pain  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    This video from a PAINtalks 2018 talk discusses what happens in the brain to cause pain and how virtual reality can relieve that pain.

    Reference: Catherine Mercier

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  37. Pain education
    Length 00:05:24

    Neuropathic and dysfunctional pain: explanation.  Fr


    This video explains what neuropathic and dysfunctional pain are, what their mechanisms are and how they can be treated.

    Reference: MyMedicoach

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  38. Pain education
    Length 00:05:57

    Chronic low back pain: Anatomy and treatment  Fr


    This video discusses chronic low back pain, its subcategories and treatments, such as physical exercises, relaxation and cognitive behavioral therapy.

    Reference: Qubec Pain Research Network (QPRN) / Réseau Québécois de Recherche en Douleur

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  39. Medication
    Length 00:15:00

    Opioids : Questions about opiois and the answers that way surprise you  En


    This brochure is for people who want to reduce or stop using opioids.

    Reference: Rx files / Pain Links; Université de Saskatchewan (Pharmacie et nutrition)

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  40. Medication
    Length 00:10:03

    Algodystrophy or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome - Film for children and families  Fr


    This video explains the symptoms, makes it possible to better understand the complex workings of this pathology, to facilitate and accelerate its diagnosis, and to improve the understanding of the families around a pain difficult to explain and to share for the child.

    Reference: Centre hospitalier universitaire de Toulouse

    Proposed by: , 2023/11/21

  41. Lifestyle
    Length 00:07:23

    Pain Self-Management Tools  En


    This page of the site discusses various arthritis self-management strategies, such as physical activity and exercise, healthy eating, hot and cold therapy, mindfulness meditation and other mind-body approaches, and joint support and protection devices.

    Reference: Arthritis society

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  42. Pain education
    Length 00:11:12

    Overcome the fear of movement and pain  Fr


    In this video, physiotherapist Denis Fortier explains that the fear of moving or doing physical activity (also called kinesiophobia) has a negative impact on the lives of patients with chronic pain. He proposes an approach to overcome this kinesiophobia.

    Reference: Denis Fortier

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  43. Pain education
    Length 00:14:25

    Pain and inflammation: 3 things we never tell you  Fr


    In this video, physiotherapist Denis Fortier explains three things you never hear about inflammation and gives tips on how to deal with it when it becomes chronic.

    Reference: Denis Fortier

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  44. Physical activity
    Length 00:05:31

    An (almost) magical exercise for back pain  Fr


    In this video, physiotherapist Denis Fortier shows an original and effective exercise that will help you relax your muscles and mobilize your spinal joints when you have back pain.

    Reference: Denis Fortier

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  45. Pain education
    Length 00:27:21

    9 exercises to relieve knee pain  Fr


    In this video, physiotherapist Denis Fortier presents nine effective exercises to relieve knee pain and to rehabilitate your joint once the pain has dissipated. These exercises will be useful to relieve pain associated with patellofemoral syndrome, sprains, and rehabilitation after a torn anterior cruciate ligament.

    Reference: Denis Fortier

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  46. Activity pacing
    Length 00:20:59

    Osteoarthritis of the knee: 5 essential exercises  Fr


    In this video, physiotherapist Denis Fortier shows exercises to maintain (and increase) your strength and mobility in the knee, two abilities that are essential to your activities and to maintaining your quality of life.

    Reference: Denis Fortier

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  47. Physical activity
    Length 00:09:03

    An (almost) magical exercise for lower back and sciatica pain  Fr


    In this video, physiotherapist Denis Fortier shows an effective exercise to relieve some lower back pain or sciatica.

    Reference: Denis Fortier

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  48. Physical activity
    Length 00:10:40

    Shoulder pain: this movement you must recover  Fr


    In this video, physiotherapist Denis Fortier shows effective exercises to relieve shoulder pain.

    Reference: Denis Fortier

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  49. Physical activity
    Length 00:09:50

    Relieve neck and cervical pain in 8 minutes  Fr


    In this video, physiotherapist Denis Fortier shows easy exercises in 8 minutes, at home and without equipment, when you have neck pain.

    Reference: Denis Fortier

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  50. Pain education
    Length 00:06:55

    Pain relief: hot or cold?  Fr


    In this vidéo, Physiotherapist Denis Fortier provides practical advice on the use of heat and cold in a therapeutic context.

    Reference: Denis Fortier

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  51. Activity pacing
    Length 00:08:06

    Back pain: an exercise to relieve the pain between the shoulder blades  Fr


    In this video, physiotherapist Denis Fortier gives advice when you have back pain and an exercise to help you deal with the situation.

    Reference: Denis Fortier

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  52. Pain education
    Length 00:11:08

    Pain and Sleep (episode 7)  En


    In this video, you will learn that people with pain often have difficulty sleeping. Strategies for optimizing your sleep and goals for your pain management plan will be discussed.

    Reference: Agency for Clinical Innovation

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  53. Pain education
    Length 00:10:27

    Pain and Thoughts (episode 6)  En


    In this video, you will learn how negative thoughts and emotions, as well as stressful life situations can influence pain. Meditation, relaxation and distraction are used successfully by many people to reduce pain and will be introduced in this episode.

    Reference: Agency for Clinical Innovation

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  54. Medication
    Length 00:09:57

    Pain and role of medication (episode 5)  En


    In this video, you will learn that medications are only one part of an effective treatment plan for pain management. All medications should be reviewed regularly to ensure that they are beneficial to your function and quality of life. Other non-pharmacological approaches have a positive long-term effect and can be done concurrently with medication approaches.

    Reference: Agency for Clinical Innovation

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  55. Lifestyle
    Length 00:08:41

    Pain : Lifestyle and Nutrition (episode 4)  En


    In this video, you will learn that what you eat and drink can influence your experience of pain. Professor Clare Collins will guide you through dietary changes designed to help you reduce your daily pain. She will also show you how to adopt a healthy diet.

    Reference: Agency for Clinical Innovation

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  56. Pain education
    Length 00:12:43

    Pain and physical activity (episode 3)  En


    In this video, you'll see that physical activity is essential to managing pain! You'll also learn how to get started with daily movement, how to set realistic goals and how to manage days when your pain is severe.

    Reference: Agency for Clinical Innovation

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  57. Pain education
    Length 00:05:56

    Getting help from your Healthcare Team (episode 2)  En


    In this video, you will learn that working closely with a care team you trust is a key factor in managing your pain! A personal pain management plan will be presented, so you can develop your own document to communicate with your care team and stay on track.

    Reference: Agency for Clinical Innovation

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  58. Pain education
    Length 00:06:47

    Introduction to Pain (episode 1)  En


    In this video, you will learn what pain is, the differences between acute and chronic pain, and the brain mechanisms of pain.

    Reference: Agency for Clinical Innovation

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  59. Activity pacing
    Length 00:05:00

    Tame the beast  En


    This site, founded by Lorimer Moseley and Daven Moen, aims to share knowledge and experience of chronic pain to help people reduce and manage their pain. Several topics are covered in the form of videos or documentations, such as understanding pain and different approaches to reduce it. Many useful resources are also available on the site!

    Reference: Lorimer Moseley et Dave Moen

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  60. Pain education
    Length 00:04:57

    How does your brain respond to pain?  En


    In this video, Karen D. Davis explains what pain is and why some people react differently to the same painful stimulus.

    Reference: Karen D Davis

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/11/21

  61. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    "Y'a de la visite" website  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    "Y a de la visite" is a short tale to tame a parent's chronic pain. It was written by Isabelle Goupil, whose chronic pain punctuates her daily life and that of her child. Happy reading!

    Reference: Isabelle Goupil, Julie Miville, Richard Desmarais

    Proposed by: Anne Marie Pinard, 2023/11/13

  62. Pain education
    Length 00:13:05

    CRPS: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome  En


    In this video, Dr. Andrea Furlan talks about Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). More specifically, she will explain what it is, the symptoms and signs associated with it, the causes and consequences of this syndrome. The diagnosis, possible tests (e.g., EMG, nerve conduction) and treatments (i.e., multidisciplinary) will also be discussed.

    Reference: Dr Andrea Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/10/27

  63. Activity pacing
    Length 00:14:17

    Fibromyalgie : A beginner's guide to starting to exercise  En


    In this video, Dr. Andrea Furlan explains what fibromyalgia is and why exercises are essential in the treatment and management of this condition.

    Reference: Doctor Andrea Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/10/27

  64. Medication
    Length 00:19:13

    Low Back Pain  En


    In this video, Dr. Andrea Furlan explains what non-specific low back pain is, the difference between acute and chronic low back pain, and how to prevent episodes of low back pain. She will also discuss the different therapies through exercise, manual therapy, medications, relaxation, lifestyle modifications and nutrition.

    Reference: Andréa Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/10/27

  65. Physical activity
    Length 00:17:56

    9 exercises for rheumatoid arthritis of the hands  En


    In this video, Dr. Andrea Furlan shows 9 exercises for rheumatoid arthritis of the hands

    Reference: Dr Andrea Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/10/26

  66. Lifestyle
    Length 00:12:48

    Anti-inflammatory diet for chronic inflammation, chronic pain and arthritis  En


    In this video, Dr. Andrea Furlan explains that there is a close relationship between diet, inflammation and pain. Changing one's diet can therefore have a great impact on inflammation and therefore on chronic pain. Dr. Furlan also discusses strategies for changing eating habits and how to incorporate an anti-inflammatory diet into your daily life.

    Reference: Dr Andrea Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/10/26

  67. Medication
    Length 00:11:14

    Chronic pain  En


    In this video, Dr. Andrea Furlan explains what chronic pain is and its prevalence. She also discusses the different types of pain, the causes and possible treatments in the context of chronic pain.

    Reference: Dr Andrea Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/10/26

  68. Pain education
    Length 00:09:37

    How do you explain pain to your doctor? Talk to your doctor about chronic pain.  En


    In this video, Dr. Andrea Furlan explains the SOCRATES method for talking to your doctor about your pain.

    Reference: Dr Andrea Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/10/26

  69. Lifestyle
    Length 00:08:50

    Omega 3 for chronic pain  En


    In this video, Dr. Andrea Furlan explains what omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids are, and their role in inflammation. She also discusses how to acquire them through diet (e.g. fish and shellfish) or supplements (e.g. "fish oil").

    Reference: Dr Andrea Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/10/26

  70. Medication
    Length 00:06:16

    Vitamin B12 deficiency and neuropathic pain  En


    In this video, Dr. Andrea Furlan explains the importance of vitamin B12 and how to diagnose a deficiency (e.g., different types of anemia). She also discusses blood tests and plasma standards, as well as possible treatments (e.g., diet, supplements, injections).

    Reference: Dr Andrea Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/10/26

  71. Lifestyle
    Length 00:08:00

    Vitamin D and chronic pain  En


    In this video, Dr. Andrea Furlan explains what vitamin D does in the body, what the sources are for getting vitamin D, and how much vitamin D a person should take in supplements, but not too much.

    Reference: Dr Andrea Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/10/26

  72. Sleep
    Length 00:11:29

    Better sleeping position for pain sufferers  En


    In this video, Dr. Andrea Furlan explains how to choose a mattress, how to use pillows and some sleep positions that can help sufferers.

    Reference: Dre Andréa Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD,

  73. Lifestyle
    Length 00:11:22

    Magnesium and pain  En


    Dr. Furlan explains why magnesium may be an important component in the treatment of chronic pain. She talks about natural sources of magnesium in foods and discusses the different types of magnesium supplements.

    Reference: Dre Andréa Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD,

  74. Pain education
    Length 00:29:08

    Exercises for pinched nerve in the neck (cervical radiculopathy)  En


    In this video Dr. Andrea Furlan explains what cervical radiculopathy is, the symptoms, the positions to avoid, the exercises, and most importantly, how to follow its evolution to know when to see a surgeon.

    Reference: Dre Andrea Furlan

    Proposed by: ,

  75. Physical activity
    Length 00:31:31

    Best exercises for osteoarthritis of the hip and knees  En


    In this video, Dr. Andrea Furlan explains 20 exercises for people with osteoarthritis of the hips and knees. These exercises are of 4 types: lubrication, aerobics, weight bearing and stretching. Some exercises are not indicated for people who have recently had a hip replacement.

    Reference: Dre Andrea Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD,

  76. Physical activity
    Length 00:18:19

    Sciatica and herniated discs. Exercises and positions.  En


    This video explains several important concepts of sciatica and the 3-3-4 method which includes 3 positions to relieve pain, 3 exercises and 4 activities to avoid.

    Reference: Dre Andréa Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD,

  77. Physical activity
    Length 00:22:16

    10 home exercises for spinal stenosis  En


    In this video, she explains the cause of spinal stenosis and neurogenic claudication. She shows 4 postures to relieve pain, 10 exercises to do at home and 3 activities to avoid if you have neurogenic claudication.

    Reference: Dre Andrea Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD,

  78. Physical activity
    Length 00:29:44

    Exercices for shoulder pain  En


    This video by Dr. Furlan is for informational purposes and shows 15 exercises for shoulder impingement, bursitis or rotator cuff disease.

    Reference: Dre Andréa Furlan

    Proposed by: RQRD,

  79. Activity pacing
    Length 00:38:13

    Fibromyalgia Podcast  Fr


    "Parlons Santé Sans Tabou" is a podcast intended to make known the daily life of people living with fibromyalgia. The goal is to de-typatize and inform the public through testimonials. This podcast contains a dialogue between a patient, one of his or her caregivers and a specialized researcher, in addition to including a spoken word artist who concludes with a poem written in collaboration with the patient.

    Reference: LEM Université de Sherbrooke

    Proposed by: Élodie Traverse,

  80. Lifestyle
    Length 00:37:07

    Chronic Pain Podcast  Fr


    "Parlons Santé Sans Tabou" is a podcast intended to share the daily life of people living with chronic pain. The goal is to de-typatize and inform the public through testimonials. This podcast presents a dialogue between a patient, one of his or her caregivers and a specialized researcher, as well as including a spoken word artist who concludes the episode with a poem written in collaboration with the patient.

    Reference: LEM Université de Sherbrooke

    Proposed by: Élodie Traverse, 2022/10/19

  81. Medication
    Length 00:16:17

    Medical cannabis for chronic pain  Fr


    This document is for adults with chronic non-cancer pain who want to try medical cannabis.

    Reference: Edeltraut Kroger, Lise Poiblaud, Clermont Dionne, Catherine Savard et Anik Giguère.

    Proposed by: RQRD, 2023/01/11

  82. Pain education

    Self-care guides  En


    Self-care guides offer helpful tips and tricks on how you can manage your symptoms yourself, as well as information on when it may be important to get treatment.

    Reference: National Health Service

    Proposed by: , 2023/01/11

  83. Partner in your care

    LivePlanBe+  En, Fr


    LivePlanBe+ is a chronic pain self-management program that will improve your well-being. Available in french and english language.

    Reference: PainBC

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2022/11/11

  84. Relaxation
    Length 00:04:22

    Controlling your breathing to relieve your pain: a solution available to everyone.  Fr


    Numerous research studies have proven the effectiveness of breathing techniques in the management of chronic pain. This brochure provides you with tips and technical explanations on this approach!

    Reference: Équipe du Programme ACCORD

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2022/10/26

  85. Partner in your care
    Length 00:05:00

    Psychology can also help...  Fr


    Living with chronic pain on a daily basis involves experiencing strong, negative emotions that can be difficult to shake off. These emotions affect the daily life and quality of life of chronic pain patients. This brochure addresses this issue and highlights the benefits of psychological techniques in managing chronic pain

    Reference: Équipe du Programme ACCORD

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2022/10/26

  86. Lifestyle
    Length 00:09:49

    Manage your energy to better control your pain  Fr


    Fatigue is an important symptom of chronic pain, often resulting in a decrease in daily activities and an increase in pain intensity. In order to break the vicious circle of fatigue, tips and basic principles for managing your energy are available in this brochure.

    Reference: Équipe du Programme ACCORD

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2022/10/26

  87. Thoughts and emotions
    Length 00:06:46

    When emotions get involved...  Fr


    The purpose of this pamphlet is to explain the types of emotions most often experienced by people with chronic pain, how to control them and how to get appropriate help.

    Reference: Équipe du Programme ACCORD

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2022/10/26

  88. Pain education
    Length 00:04:47

    Chronic pain: recognizing and treating it  Fr


    This brochure discusses the concepts of chronic pain: its definition, its impact and its treatment. Tips on what to do are also included in this brochure.

    Reference: Équipe du Programme ACCORD

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2022/10/26

  89. Physical activity
    Length 00:08:41

    Physical activity to reduce pain...essential to treatment!  Fr


    Regular physical activity provides physical and psychological benefits, even in the context of pain! This brochure provides advice and recommendations for patients to encourage them to engage in physical activity at their own pace and of their own choosing.

    Reference: Équipe du Programme ACCORD

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2022/10/26

  90. Sleep
    Length 00:07:37

    Adopt good sleep habits  Fr


    People suffering from chronic pain very often experience difficulties during the week. That's why this brochure suggests different attitudes and habits that will help you get a good night's sleep!

    Reference: Équipe du Programme ACCORD

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2022/10/26

  91. Lifestyle
    Length 00:07:14

    Nutrition and chronic pain  Fr


    This pamphlet discusses nutrition in the context of chronic pain, how diet influences the perception of chronic pain, and foods to focus on in the context of chronic pain.

    Reference: Équipe du Programme ACCORD

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur., 2022/10/26

  92. Pain education
    Length 00:05:15

    Sexuality: chronic pain and intimate life. How to reconcile the two?  Fr


    When pain sets in, it affects all aspects of the sufferer's life, including sexuality! This pamphlet addresses this topic. Tips to help you improve your quality of life are also included.

    Reference: Équipe du Programme ACCORD

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2022/10/26

  93. Pain education
    Length 00:06:34

    How to talk to your doctor  Fr


    In this pamphlet, tips that will help patients prepare for medical appointments are proposed, in order to increase their chances of being satisfied with the encounter with health care professionals.

    Reference: Équipe du Programme ACCORD

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2022/10/26

  94. Pain education
    Length 00:06:48

    Learning to live with pain in a positive way  Fr


    Learning to live with pain is a form of acceptance that the brochure mentions the benefits and positive impact in the lives of patients with chronic pain.

    Reference: Équipe du Programme ACCORD

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2022/10/26

  95. Medication
    Length 00:05:23

    Everything you need to know about pain medication  Fr


    Chronic pain is a chronic disease, for which medications are an integral part of the treatment and are often necessary to control the pain. Possible pharmacological treatments and key recommendations associated with them are discussed in this brochure.

    Reference: Équipe du Programme ACCORD

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur,

  96. Pain education
    Length 00:45:00

    Managing chronic pain  En


    An online educational tool for managing chronic pain.

    Reference: Collaborateurs de la société d'arthrite

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/06

  97. Pain education
    Length 00:10:00

    Fibromyalgia  Fr


    Summary on fibromyalgia. Among other things, you will find information on the epidemiology, history, pathophysiology and treatment.


    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur,

  98. Partner in your care

    Taking action  Fr


    Taking action is an eight-week self-management program for individuals living with chronic pain. The self-paced lessons support learners in adopting strategies to manage pain daily and prevent flare-ups. For a more pleasant experience, write down the numbers of the lessons you've taken to easily connect to the following the next time you log in.

    Reference: Pascale Marier-Deschênes

    Proposed by: , 2022/11/11

  99. Relaxation
    Length 00:03:00

    Belly Breathing Technique  En


    One way to help you better cope with your pain is to do guided breathing exercises. To make it easy to follow, record yourself slowly reading the technique instructions below. You can then play back this recording any time to guide you through the breathing exercises.

    Reference: Pearson, Neil

    Proposed by: ,

  100. Pain education
    Length 00:02:00

    Six tips for self-managing chronic pain  Fr


    Chronic pain specialist Anne-Marie Pinard offers a six-step roadmap for dealing with chronic pain

    Reference: Anne Marie Pinard

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2022/04/20

  101. Pain education
    Length 01:11:00

    Big Health Appointment with Anne Marie Pinard  Fr


    Anne-Marie Pinard defines pain and its complexity and shares important concepts related to pain.

    Reference: Grand Rendez-vous

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2022/04/20

  102. Pain education
    Length 00:07:00

    Understanding, Assessing and Managing Pain in Older Adults EP04  En


    This video shows how listening to people with pain helps in pain management. It presents and describes the differences between the perception of pain and its expression.

    Reference: Susan Tupper and collaborators at the Pain Strategy and Research division of Saskatoon Health Region.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur. Erwan Leclair., 2020/11/21

  103. Pain education
    Length 00:07:00

    Understanding, Assessing and Managing Pain in Older Adults EP07  En


    Pain can be managed using non-pharmacological methods. Physical activity can be a good tool either through global activation (walking, dancing) or through specific exercises. Other health professionals can help with active (teaching exercises in physiotherapy) or passive (TENS, acupuncture, massage) methods. Adequate pain relief is important during any diagnostic treatment.

    Reference: Susan Tupper and collaborators at the Pain Strategy and Research division of Saskatoon Health Region.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur. Erwan Leclair., 2020/11/21

  104. Relaxation
    Length 00:05:00

    Mind-Body Connection  En


    The mind-body, or brain-body, connection is the link between a person’s thoughts, feelings and behaviour and their physical symptoms. Find out the role that this connection plays in your child's or teen's health.

    Reference: Équipe de SickKids

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur. Erwan Leclair., 2020/11/21

  105. Thoughts and emotions
    Length 01:20:00

    Finding Psychological Balance through Migraines  Fr


    This resource is a video recording of a talk titled "Finding Mental Balance Through Migraines" given by Dre. Marie-Christine Taillefer, psychologist at the CHUM. Dre. Taillefer discusses the psychological factors that may play a role in pain and suggests strategies to improve pain management, quality of life and mood.

    Reference: Taillefer, Marie-Christine.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur., 2020/11/12

  106. Pain education
    Length 00:30:00

    A Quick Guide to Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis  Fr


    Well-done and interesting resource for healthcare professionals on Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.

    Reference: Chédeville, Gaëlle.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur., 2020/11/13

  107. Pain education
    Length 00:04:00

    Maintaining your Quality of Life after a Diagnosis of Inflammatory Arthritis is Possible!  Fr


    Ms. Johanne Beaudoin, physiotherapist assigned to the rheumatology team of the CISSS du Bas-Saint-Laurent, presents in this article some characteristics of inflammatory arthritis and explains the role that physiotherapy can play for people who have it.

    Reference: Beaudoin, Johanne.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/17

  108. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    How to Treat Osteoarthritis?  Fr


    This succinct and clear dossier of Passeport santé covers the management of osteoarthritis.

    Reference: Solano, Catherine.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur., 2020/11/18

  109. Pain education
    Length 00:02:00

    Why are We in Pain? (Lesson 1)  En


    This short slideshow (#1), available in French, explains, in a simple way and with the help of humorous images, that the distinction between necessary pain and pathological pain (or the absence of pain).

    Reference: Schneider, Elan DiLillo, Rob Hullstrung, Greg

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/12

  110. Pain education
    Length 00:02:00

    What are the Real Causes of Excessive Pain?  En


    This short, five-minute video clip, available in French, presents a profile of persistent pain. It first presents persistent pain as a complex problem, involving several biopsychosocial aspects. It then summarizes the main factors that can influence pain such as, for example, medication and surgery, emotions, lifestyle, physical activity, the meaning of pain.

    Reference: Schneider, Elan DiLillo, Rob Hullstrung, Greg

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/06

  111. Pain education
    Length 00:30:00

    Pain Modulation  En


    Top-down facilitation helps increase pain signals. It explains why a weak stimulus can cause great pain, and why a cured condition can continue to cause pain. (Lesson 6)

    Reference: Schneider, Elan DiLillo, Rob Hullstrung, Greg

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur., 2020/11/21

  112. Pain education
    Length 00:30:00

    Pain Itself Can Change How Pain Works  En


    When the pain becomes persistent, it is explained by an hypersensitivity of the central nervous system. We can then call it: central awareness. The strategies for treating the pain are then to calm the central nervous system. This can be achieved by non-pharmacological and pharmacological methods.

    Reference: Ingraham, Paul

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur., 2020/11/21

  113. Pain education
    Length 00:25:00

    When to Worry About Low Back Pain And when not to!  En


    When to Worry About Low Back Pain? And when not to! Checklists and red flags and non-scary possible explanations for alarmingly back pain

    Reference: Ingraham, Paul

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/21

  114. Pain education
    Length 00:30:00

    Complete Guide to Low Back Pain  En


    An extremely detailed guide to the myths, controversies, and treatment options for low back pain

    Reference: Ingraham, Paul

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2022/11/21

  115. Pain education
    Length 00:07:00

    Understanding, Assessing and Managing Pain in Older Adults EP01  En


    Pain is a very real problem that affects the elderly. Despite several conceptions conveyed, pain is common, and it is important to treat it, even if the patient is not able to express it clearly. There are several safe and effective drug options.

    Reference: Susan Tupper and collaborators at the Pain Strategy and Research division of Saskatoon Health Region

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/21

  116. Pain education
    Length 01:26:00

    Focus on Chronic Pain  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    A brief portrait showing persistent pain in numbers. The physical, psychological, social and economic consequences, both for the person who suffers from it, for those around him and for society, are discussed. The main pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments are discussed, and possible solutions are put forward to help and support people to live better with chronic pain.

    Reference: Quebec Chronic Pain Association

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/05

  117. Pain education
    Length 00:44:00

    Break Taboos  Fr


    This is a publication of the Association québécoise de la pain from 2013 which is intended for the general public. It discusses the major taboos associated with persistent pain in different spheres of the suffering person's life, in addition to presenting some resources (support groups and contact details for pain clinics in Quebec).

    Reference: Deutsch, Suzanne. 2013

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/10,

  118. Physical activity
    Length 00:05:00

    Self-Massage  Fr


    This resource offers a video clip on self-massage as a tool for managing muscle pain and tension.

    Reference: Harvey, Mickael. Tremblay, Josée. 2018

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/12,

  119. Pain education
    Length 02:14:00

    Clinical Symptoms of Fibromyalgia  Fr


    This fibromyalgia resource provides its definition, epidemiology, and diagnostic guidelines. It also presents guidelines for the treatment and management of fibromyalgia as well as useful tools and references.

    Reference: Carruthers, Bruce Van de Sande, Marjorie I.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur Erwan Leclair, 2020/11/15,

  120. Pain education
    Length 00:10:00

    Chronic Pain  Fr


    This text intended for the general public is accessible via a website. It first discusses the definition of persistent pain, its main symptoms and its diagnosis. Then the main treatments are presented and briefly discussed: drugs, physical methods and psychotherapy. There is also a slightly more complex version, intended for healthcare professionals.

    Reference: Watson, James C.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2022/11/16

  121. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    Migraine with Aura, Contraception and Stroke  Fr


    Document in the form of a question-answer between a patient and a doctor about migraine with aura and effects of hormones.

    Reference: Leroux

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/16

  122. Thoughts and emotions
    Length 01:00:00

    Relieving Chronic Pain: The Contribution of Psychologists  Fr


    The first article describes the components of a persistent pain management program, using the IRDPQ as an example. The second talks about persistent pain and aging and the associated misconceptions. The third is about fibromyalgia. The last reviews the role of the psychologist in physical rehabilitation.

    Reference: Arcand, Denis Rivard, Marie-Josée Trahan, Evelyne Hervouet, Séverine Montanez, Joël.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/17,

  123. Thoughts and emotions
    Length 01:22:00

    The Psychologist at the Heart of Physical Health  Fr


    Edition of the psychology magazine on the role of the psychologist in physical health (please go directly to page 21).

    Reference: Sultan,Serge Körner, Annett. 2010. Le psychologue au cœur de la santé physique

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur. Erwan Leclair, 2020/11/17,

  124. Partner in your care
    Length 00:03:00

    Pain management is a team matter  Fr


    Text on the fact that pain is a biopsychosocial phenomenon and also addressing the fact that the optimal treatment should not be only the usual medical treatment but be more inclusive and be integrative.

    Reference: Moreau, Marie-Eve.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur. Erwan Leclair, 2020/11/17,

  125. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    Little and poorly treated chronic pain in seniors  Fr


    Interesting data from Dr David Lussier on the treatment of persistent pain in the elderly.

    Reference: LaSalle, Martin.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/17,

  126. Pain education
    Length 00:10:00

    Low back pain  Fr


    Summary on the etiology of low back pain and its management, accompanied by a short video.

    Reference: Larose, Dominic.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/18,

  127. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    People at risk and risk factors for migraine  Fr


    Very clear summary on risk factors / triggers in migraine.

    Reference: Allard, Jacques.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/18,

  128. Lifestyle
    Length 00:03:00

    Foods to avoid and eat in case of osteoarthritis  Fr


    Response from a nutritionist in a blog on the Passeportsanté.net site regarding the diet to be preferred in a situation of osteoarthritis. Responses also include weight management and the importance of physical activity.

    Reference: Cyr, Audrey

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/18,

  129. Physical activity
    Length 00:14:00

    Shoulder pain: 5 little-known exercises  Fr


    Video of Denis Fortier, renowned physiotherapist, presenting simple exercises to help shoulder problems.

    Reference: Fortier, Denis.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/19,

  130. Pain education
    Length 00:06:30

    Living with chronic pain  Fr


    This resource offers information on persistent pain, its consequences and some strategies and attitudes to develop to deal with it.

    Reference: Maisonneuve, Claire.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/19,

  131. Relaxation
    Length 00:15:00

    Yoga  Fr


    WEB page describing various yoga exercises and why it would help with gastrointestinal disorders. The document includes photos and descriptions with quotes from literature on the subject.

    Reference: Charbonneau, Kimberly

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur.,

  132. Relaxation
    Length 00:03:00

    Breath Awareness  En


    One way to help you better cope with your pain is to do guided breathing exercises. To make it easy to follow, record yourself slowly reading the technique instructions below. You can then play back this recording any time to guide you through the breathing exercises.

    Reference: Pearson, Neil

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/06,

  133. Relaxation
    Length 00:11:00

    How to Practice Walking Meditation  En


    Meditative walking is a very simple technique that allows you to focus on the sensations felt when walking, and thus create a moment of meditation. The exercise can be done both indoors and outdoors, and can be done for at least 15 minutes up to 1 hour.

    Reference: Pearson, Neil

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/06,

  134. Relaxation
    Length 00:05:00

    Meditation: "How to Meditate in a Moment"  En


    How to do meditation in a minute. Short video explaining some times when the use of meditation may be relevant.

    Reference: Professionnels du site

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/06,

  135. Pain education
    Length 00:07:00

    Pain during sexual relations  Fr


    Well presented summary on pain associated with sexual relations for patients.

    Reference: Dompierre, Violaine.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche, 2020/11/15,

  136. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Chronic fatigue syndrome  Fr


    This ressource offers information on chronic fatigue syndrome by presenting a clinical case and offering strategies for dealing with the condition.

    Reference: Fortin, Bruno.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/17,

  137. Thoughts and emotions
    Length 00:03:00

    Less pain thanks to psychotherapy  Fr


    This resource provides information on depression in seniors with persistent pain as well as the application of cognitive behavioral therapy in this population.

    Reference: LaSalle, Martin. 2006

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/17,

  138. Thoughts and emotions
    Length 00:01:00

    Tool 1 Acceptance  En


    This is a short video in English that introduces the importance of the concept of "acceptance" as a basic tool for successful management of persistent pain. This video, intended for patients, but also for healthcare professionals, is one of several tools available on the The Pain toolkit site aimed at promoting self-management by patients with persistent pain.

    Reference: Pete Moore

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/06,

  139. Lifestyle
    Length 00:03:10

    Peppermint and IBS pain relief  Fr


    Information page on how the effectiveness of peppermint works in relieving the pain of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, mainly through its anti-spasmodic action.


    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/19,

  140. Pain education
    Length 02:00:00

    Recovery strategies - pain guidebook  En


    This free workbook by Greg Lehman is an education and self-management tool that can be used by patients alone or with guidance from their therapist. The sections are Pain Principles, Key Messages, Pain Contributors, and Recovery Strategy.

    Reference: Greg Lehman.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair., 2021/03/11

  141. Pain education
    Length 00:11:00

    Low Back Pain Patient Video  En


    This video walks through low back pain with patients and gives some advices.

    Reference: Mike Evans.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/11

  142. Pain education
    Length 00:30:00

    Managing chronic pain  Fr


    An online educational tool for managing chronic pain.

    Reference: Arthritis society.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/11

  143. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    Why do I feel pain ?  En


    Use and dysfunction of the pain system, slides can be used to explain pain to patients. (lesson 1)

    Reference: Retrain pain foundation.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/11

  144. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    What causes persistent pain ?  En


    Slides to explain pain : role and dysfunction of pain hypersensitivity. (Lesson 2)

    Reference: Retrain pain foundation.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair,, 2021/03/11

  145. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    A simple metaphor  En


    Slides to explain pain : this is an analogy for thinking about treatment of persistent pain. (lesson 3)

    Reference: Retrain pain foundation.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/11

  146. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    The elephant in the room  En


    Slides to explain pain : the role of brain in pain. (lesson 4)

    Reference: Retrain pain foundation.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/11

  147. Pain education
    Length 00:07:00

    Strange pain and magic in the brain  En


    Slides to explain pain : how can the brain decrease the intensity of the pain felt ? (lesson 5)

    Reference: Retrain pain foundation.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/11

  148. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    The bad guy for pain  En


    Descending facilitation. (lesson 6)

    Reference: Retrain pain foundation.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/11

  149. Pain education
    Length 00:07:00

    The meaning of your pain  En


    Slides to explain pain : how can the meaning attributed to pain influence how it feels?

    Reference: Retrain pain foundation.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/11

  150. Pain education
    Length 00:09:00

    What's causing your pain  En


    Slides to explain pain : how can the information received influence the perception of pain? (lesson 8)

    Reference: Retrain pain foundation.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/11

  151. Pain education
    Length 00:14:32

    Why things hurt ?  En


    Lorimer Moseley explores why we hurt, do we actually experience pain, or if it's merely an illusion.

    Reference: Lorimer Moseley.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair., 2021/03/11

  152. Pain education
    Length 00:02:29

    Understanding Pain: Brainman chooses  En


    Explanations abour biopsychosocials components of pain.

    Reference: Hunter Integrated Pain Service.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair., 2021/03/12

  153. Pain education
    Length 00:02:19

    7 surprising facts about posture  En


    Infographic presenting seven surprising facts about posture.

    Reference: Diane Slater.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/12

  154. Pain education
    Length 00:09:18

    What is the single best thing we can do for our health?  En


    Effects of physical activity.

    Reference: Mike Evans.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/12

  155. Pain education

    PainBC  En


    Website offering online training on pain management for healthcare professionals, and a self-help community for people with pain.


    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/12

  156. Pain education
    Length 00:11:15

    A 10 minute guide to understanding pain and what to do about it  En


    Pain is a complex phenomenon which can be hard to understand. There are numerous reasons why pain occurs which may be unrelated to physical factors. This video summarises why people experience pain and explains what to do to overcome it.

    Reference: Universität Witten/Herdecke.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/12

  157. Pain education
    Length 00:30:00

    Persistent Pain Booklet  En


    Explanatory booklet on persistent pain: differences between acute and chronic pain, how does pain work, why pain persists, which changes in the brain, how to decrease persistent pain.

    Reference: Health professionals in Southern Tasmania.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/12

  158. Pain education
    Length 00:40:41

    Getting a grip on pain and the brain  En


    In this presentation, Professor Moseley outlined why pain really is in your head, but not in the way you might think. He considered questions such as what pain is, why we have it and why it often does not go away.

    Reference: Lorimer Moseley.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/12

  159. Pain education
    Length 00:05:44

    The Drug Cabinet in the Brain  En


    David Butler from the Neuro Orthopaedic Institute talking about the wonders of exogenous vs. endogenously produced pain relieving chemicals. A video designed to educate patients and clinicians on the"majesty of the brain". David makes comparisons between your brains natural chemical production and their pharmaceutical counterparts.

    Reference: David Butler.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/12

  160. Pain education
    Length 00:21:10

    The Pain Revolution  En


    Lorimer Moseley explains the science behind 'Explain Pain' - and the good news for chronic pain sufferers. With fascinating examples and the latest research Lorimer explains how science is showing there are alternatives to drugs for many sufferers - and how it can be done.

    Reference: Lorimer Moseley.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/12

  161. Pain education
    Length 00:10:00

    Pain neuroscience education: slides for supporting / illustrating your explanation  En


    Slides to illustrate an explanation of pain neuroscience.

    Reference: Pain in motion.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/12

  162. Pain education
    Length 00:20:00

    A journey to learn about pain  En

    Caregiver, Patient

    This book will cover some topics about pain and provide some cognitive and behavioral strategies for helpingthe child in your life who struggles with pain.

    Reference: Felipe Reis.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/12

  163. Pain education
    Length 00:50:00

    Why does my pain persist? And why can't we determine its exact cause?  Fr


    A rational, evidence-based explanation for patients with chronic pain.

    Reference: Renske van Abbema. P

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/12

  164. Pain education
    Length 01:00:00

    Why do my back hurt when you can't see anything ?  Fr


    A rational, evidence-based explanation for patients with chronic generalized pain (fibromyalgia).

    Reference: Renske van Abbema.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/12

  165. Pain education
    Length 00:08:00

    Pain neuroscience education: slides for supporting / illustrating your explanation  Fr


    Slides to illustrate an explanation of pain neuroscience.

    Reference: Jo Nijs.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/12

  166. Pain education
    Length 00:07:00

    Analgesia in self-control  Fr


    Pain relief is very important after your operation. It will help you get well. Want to know more about self-control analgesia, its benefits and possible side effects?

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/15

  167. Pain education
    Length 00:07:00

    Epidural analgesia  Fr


    Good pain relief after your operation is very important. It will help you get well. Want to know more about epidural analgesia, its benefits and possible side effects?

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/15

  168. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Opiates for pain relief after surgery  Fr


    Pain relief is very important after your operation. It will help you get well. Want to learn more about taking opioids in hospital, its benefits and possible side effects?

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair,, 2021/03/16

  169. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs  Fr


    Your doctor has prescribed nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for you. This treatment is used to relieve pain as well as reduce fever and inflammation.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2023/10/26

  170. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Antidepressants for pain relief  Fr


    Your doctor has prescribed a tricyclic antidepressant for you. This treatment aims to relieve pain caused, among other things, by a damaged nerve.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2023/10/24

  171. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    Other ways to manage pain  Fr


    Drugs are not the only way to treat pain. Other methods can help you.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/16

  172. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Paravertebral block  Fr


    Your doctor has told you about “paravertebral block”. The purpose of this treatment is to treat your pain. How? 'Or' What ? By injecting pain medication, pain reliever, into your back.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2023/10/24

  173. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    The veinous block  Fr


    You have pain in one of your limbs. This is why your doctor has offered you a treatment called "venous block". This sheet explains what this treatment is and how to prepare.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2023/10/24

  174. Pain education
    Length 00:07:00

    Buprenorphine (with naloxone) for pain relief  Fr


    Your doctor has prescribed a medicine called Suboxone for pain relief. It is an opioid. Here is some useful information on how to take this medicine safely.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17,

  175. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Cannabinoids for pain relief  Fr


    Your doctor has prescribed a cannabinoid, a medicine derived from cannabis. It is used to treat chronic pain. Cannabinoids work on certain natural receptors in the body to provide pain relief.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2023/10/24

  176. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    Gabapentinoids for pain relief  Fr


    Your doctor has prescribed gabapentinoids for you. The goal of treatment is to relieve pain caused, among other things, by a damaged nerve (eg, burning sensation or electric shock, stitches).

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2023/10/24

  177. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Methadone for pain relief  Fr


    Your doctor has prescribed methadone for you. This medication is a long-acting opioid used to treat persistent pain.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2023/10/24

  178. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Long-acting opioids for pain relief  Fr


    Your doctor has prescribed long-acting opioids for pain relief. They are also called opiates. Learn more.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2023/10/24

  179. Pain education
    Length 00:07:00

    Fast-acting opioids for pain relief  Fr


    Fast-acting opioids have been prescribed for you by your doctor to relieve chronic pain or severe pain associated with trauma or surgery. They are also called opiates.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2023/10/24

  180. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    Pamidronate for pain relief  Fr


    Your doctor has prescribed medicine for you to help relieve your chronic pain. This sheet describes what it consists of.

    Reference: CHU Montréal..

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  181. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    Ketamine infusion, one way to deal with your pain  Fr


    You are in a lot of pain because of your pain. This is why your doctor has given you an infusion of ketamine and midazolam.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2023/10/24

  182. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Lumbar epidural, one way to deal with your pain  Fr


    Your doctor has told you about the lumbar epidural. The purpose of this treatment is to reduce the pain you have in your back and / or legs. A lumbar epidural is an injection given to the lower back. This treatment is also called an "epidural".

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2023/10/24

  183. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    Why you should slowly wean yourself off opioids  Fr


    You are going to stop taking opioids, but you have been told to do so gradually. This sheet explains why and how this weaning takes place.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  184. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    Treating back pain with injections: pleurolysis  Fr


    Your doctor suggested this procedure to relieve your back pain. This sheet explains how it works, how to prepare for it and what to do next.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  185. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Tramadol for pain relief  Fr


    Your doctor has prescribed tramadol for pain relief. It is an opioid pain reliever that is similar to an antidepressant. It is used to treat mild to moderate pain.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2023/10/26

  186. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Living with chronic pain  Fr


    This sheet gives you tips for managing your chronic pain. It also offers resources for finding information and help.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  187. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Pain in the vulva, perineum and vagina  Fr


    Do you have pain in the vulva, in the surrounding area or in the vagina? This sheet explains how pain is manifested, how is it diagnosed, how to relieve it and also what can help prevent it.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  188. Pain education
    Length 00:11:00

    Sickle cell anemia, preventing and managing pain attacks  Fr


    Sickle cell anemia can sometimes cause pain attacks. This sheet will help you prevent them and better manage them.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  189. Pain education
    Length 00:03:15

    Medicated headache, breaking the vicious circle  Fr


    If you have migraine attacks and take more and more medication to calm them: be careful. Over time, this can make your seizures worse. See what you can do.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  190. Pain education
    Length 00:07:00

    Herniated disc  Fr


    Your doctor thinks you may have a herniated disc. This sheet explains what it is, what it causes and its possible treatments.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  191. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Migraine, crisis treatment  Fr


    When you have a migraine attack, finding relief is not always easy. See which medications can help you and most importantly, what you need to know to use them well.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  192. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Migraine, the basic treatment  Fr


    You often have severe migraine attacks and your doctor has told you about treatment that can help prevent them. Would this be a good solution for you? This sheet describes what this treatment consists of.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  193. Pain education
    Length 00:07:00

    Migraine, myths and realities  Fr


    Misconceptions and prejudices still circulate about migraine. Test your knowledge by reading the following.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  194. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Migraine, reduce seizures through your lifestyle  Fr


    There is no miracle cure for migraine, but there are several ways you can get it under control. Starting with your lifestyle. See what tends to reduce seizures, and what may cause them.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  195. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Migraine in women, better understand  Fr


    Menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause do indeed influence migraine attacks. Here you will find answers to some frequently asked questions on this subject.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  196. Pain education
    Length 00:05:00

    Treating opioid addiction with a drug, buprenorphine / naloxone  Fr


    Your doctor has told you about or prescribed buprenorphine / naloxone (Suboxone or other). This sheet explains how the treatment works, how to take it and the conditions for obtaining it.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  197. Pain education
    Length 00:06:00

    Treating opioid addiction with a drug, methadone  Fr


    Your doctor has told you about or prescribed methadone. This sheet explains how the treatment works, how to take it and what conditions must be met to obtain it.

    Reference: CHU Montréal.Traiter une dépendance aux opioïdes par un médicament, la méthadone

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/03/17

  198. Pain education
    Length 00:39:04

    The role of yoga therapy in an integrative pain management plan  En

    Caregiver, Patient

    It’s well known that practicing yoga can provide many benefits to both the body and mind, but did you know research suggests that yoga therapy can be an especially helpful tool for managing pain?

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/08

  199. Pain education
    Length 00:40:25

    The Canadian Pain Task Force: The latest on best practices for better understanding, preventing and managing pain  En

    Caregiver, Patient

    Pain BC’s Executive Director Maria Hudspith, who co-chairs the Task Force, and Linda Wilhelm, a Task Force member who lives with pain, provide an insightful discussion about what they heard from Canadians during the Task Force’s consultations, the expected impact of their latest report to government, and what the next steps are in the Task Force’s three-year mandate.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/09

  200. Social network
    Length 00:50:55

    Pain Support and Wellness Groups: A free online community of support for people in pain  En


    Many people living with pain find peer support programs help them to feel heard and understood, and reduce their feelings of isolation and helplessness that often accompany pain.

    Reference: Pain Waves. 2020. Pain Support and Wellness Groups: A free online community of support for people in pain

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/09

  201. Pain education
    Length 01:18:11

    The connections between pain and sleep  En


    People who live with chronic pain commonly report experiencing issues with sleep and, conversely, poor sleep can make it more difficult to manage pain.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/09

  202. Pain education
    Length 01:01:41

    How COVID-19 and physical distancing are impacting people with pain  En


    The current public health emergency has created a challenging situation for most people, but it is especially difficult for people who already live with complex health conditions like chronic pain.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/09

  203. Pain education
    Length 01:01:03

    Pediatric pain: Managing impacts on children and their parents  En


    While it’s becoming known that 1 in 5 British Columbians lives with chronic pain, it may come as more of a surprise that persistent pain is also common in children.

    Reference: Pain Waves

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/12

  204. Pain education
    Length 00:31:31

    Rethinking pain: Using movement as an educational tool to manage pain  En


    Neil Pearson, a renowned physiotherapist, clinical assistant professor and yoga therapist, talk about how understanding pain in a different way can help improve our process for self-care and managing pain when it persists.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/12

  205. Pain education
    Length 00:22:30

    Brief Action Planning: A tool to set meaningful goals for your health  En


    This audio resource presents a self-management support technique that uses a structured step-by-step process to help people set realistic goals and make concrete action plans for their health and wellbeing.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/12

  206. Pain education
    Length 00:38:34

    Sound Therapy as a Pain Management Tool  En


    Music can be therapeutic in many situations, but recent research suggests it may be especially beneficial for people living with chronic pain.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/12

  207. Pain education
    Length 00:24:57

    Mindfulness and Self-Compassion with Sarah Jarvis  En


    Harmful self-criticism impacts the lives of many people in pain, which in turn can affect their ability to enjoy life's positive moments and to reach out in times of need.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/13

  208. Pain education
    Length 00:36:17

    Occupational Therapy for People in Pain with Katerina Dikeakos  En


    Chronic pain can make it more difficult to accomplish daily tasks, ranging anywhere from getting dressed to maintaining a full-time job. As an Occupational Therapist (OT) who personally experiences chronic pain, Katerina Dikeakos understands this firsthand.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/13

  209. Pain education
    Length 00:23:24

    Gentle Movements for Pain with Naomi Biggin-Pound  En


    Physiotherapy and acupuncture are commonly recommended for those living with chronic pain, however these therapies can often be costly and are not accessible to all. Naomi Biggin-Pound has helped to bridge this gap through her FREE self-guided exercise programs for people living with chronic back, knee and pelvic pain.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/13

  210. Pain education
    Length 00:29:09

    Complementary Therapies for Chronic Pain with Mihael Mamychshvili, RST  En


    Mihael Mamychshvili is a Registered Master Shiatsu Therapist and owner of Angel Hands Integrative clinic. He discusses the health benefits of working with various complementary therapies for people living with pain.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/13

  211. Pain education
    Length 00:45:09

    Chronic Pain and PTSD Frequently Co-occur. What You Need to Know  En


    Chronic pain and PTSD frequently co-occur and they can interact in such a way that negatively impacts the course of treatment for either condition. However, integrated treatment programs are available that effectively address both conditions.

    Reference: Pain Waves. 2017. Chronic Pain and PTSD Frequently Co-occur. What You Need to Know.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/13

  212. Pain education
    Length 00:53:30

    #ItDoesntHavetoHurt: Can Social Media Help Parents Manage Their Children's Pain?  En

    Caregiver, Patient

    Parents are key knowledge users of evidence about children’s pain, and more and more are turning to social media for information about child health. Join us as we chat to Dr. Christine Chambers about pediatric pain, the impact of social media on parents with children in pain.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/15

  213. Pain education
    Length 00:59:52

    How to Make Peace with Sleep – Even If You're Dealing With Chronic Pain  En


    Dr. May Caprio and Linda Cundiff unlock some of the mysteries and myths around sleep. How can we get better sleep, even if we're living with chronic pain?

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/15

  214. Pain education
    Length 00:51:57

    The Connection Between Nutrition and Pain with Dr. Caroline Coombs  En


    Dr. Caroline Coombs, ND is a licenced naturopathic physician and health educator. She is passionate about sharing evidence-based nutritional advice to those in chronic pain that will help them decrease inflammation and heal more efficiently.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/15

  215. Pain education
    Length 00:53:02

    Over the Counter (OTC) Painkillers & Nutraceuticals - Get the Facts!  En


    This recording is about over the counter painkillers such as Tylenol and Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories like Ibuprofen, as well as various nutraceuticals (foods containing health-giving additives and medicinal benefits) with our guest Shabita Teja. It also focuses on the role your pharmacist can take in helping you manage chronic pain.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/15

  216. Pain education
    Length 00:45:17

    Can Music Therapy Help People in Pain?  En

    Caregiver, Patient

    As the music therapist at the Burns, Plastic and Trauma Unit, Gemma Isaac facilitates music therapy programs for patients, their families, and healthcare staff alike.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/15

  217. Pain education
    Length 00:57:24

    Yoga For Chronic Pain - Latest Research and Developments with Neil Pearson  En


    Neil Pearson, physiotherapist, yoga teacher, and internationally renowned pain expert describes the latest developments and research into yoga as a tool to better manage chronic pain.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/15

  218. Pain education
    Length 00:54:55

    Migraines and Headaches with Dr. Gordon Robinson  En


    Dr. Gordon Robinson is a clinical professor in the Division of Neurology at UBC, and won the Clinical Skills Award in 2007. In this recording, he helps to better understand this serious health concern and take a look at the latest research and treatment options.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/15

  219. Pain education
    Length 00:57:21

    Low Back Pain with Dr Owen Williamson  En


    The cause of back pain is not always apparent; in fact, in approximately 85% to 90% of individuals with back pain, no specific cause can be identified. This recording helps us better understand this common condition and learn how to manage low back pain.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/15

  220. Pain education
    Length 00:56:42

    Chronic Pediatric Pain with Dr Gillian Lauder  En

    Caregiver, Patient

    In this episode of Pain Waves, the management of pediatric chronic pain is discussed by pediatric pain specialist, Dr Gillian Lauder.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/15

  221. Pain education
    Length 00:55:25

    Pain Medication Myths and FAQs - Pharmacists' Perspective  En


    Pharmacists Dr Thuy Nguyen and Dr Marylene Kyriazis answer frequent and interesting questions about pain medications.

    Reference: Pain Waves.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/15

  222. Pain education

    About the Back Pain Podcast  En


    The goal of this podcast series is to educate people who are struggling with back pain thanks to expert guests, simplified research and top actionable takeaways. Several episodes are available and are published weekly.

    Reference: About the Back Pain Podcast.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/15

  223. Partner in your care
    Length 00:05:29

    Testimony of Ginette Ladouceur  Fr


    In this video, Ginette Ladouceur explains her long and difficult journey with persistent pain. She also explains how integrating pain management strategies into her daily life has changed her life.

    Reference: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/23

  224. Pain education
    Length 01:30:00

    Pediatric Pain: The Basics  Fr


    This pocket guide is intended for any caregiver caring for a sick or injured child. The reader will find in this guide the recommendations of the Pediadol group to relieve or prevent pain.

    Reference: Pédiadol.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/23

  225. Pain education
    Length 00:05:13

    Understanding chronic pain - Quebec adaptation  Fr


    Understand Chronic Pain in Minutes! See the brand new Quebec version of this video on chronic pain adapted by chronic pain management professionals at the CHU de Quebec.

    Reference: CHU de Québec.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/23

  226. Relaxation
    Length 00:04:40

    The frog, meditation for children  Fr

    Caregiver, Patient

    Here is a meditation to learn to focus and stay calm. An exercise for children from 4 to 12 years old, taken from the book “Calm and attentive like a frog” by Eline Snel.

    Reference: Les arènes du savoir.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/23

  227. Relaxation
    Length 00:05:00

    Mindfulness for Teens  En


    Mindfulness is a powerful way to handle stress or pain, and live life more fully. This website provides information, tools, and resources to help you get started.

    Reference: Mindfulness for teens.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/04/23

  228. Pain education
    Length 01:22:14

    Pharmacology of chronic pain with Philippe de Grandpre  Fr


    In this episode of Parle-moi de santé, pharmacist Philippe De Grandpré talks about the role of medication in the management of chronic pain, the risks of opioids and the effect of cannabis on pain.

    Reference: Parle moi de santé - Le podcast.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2021/10/04

  229. Lifestyle
    Length 00:05:00

    Understanding Pain in less than 5 minutes, and what to do about it!  Fr


    This short, five-minute video clip, available in English, presents a profile of persistent pain. It first presents persistent pain as a complex problem, involving several biopsychosocial aspects. It then summarizes the main factors that can influence pain such as, for example, medication and surgery, emotions, lifestyle, physical activity, the meaning of pain.

    Reference: Professionnels de la santé du group Live Active. Comprendre la douleur en moins de 5 minutes et comment y remédier!

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair,, 2020/11/06

  230. Pain education
    Length 00:30:00

    What is pain?  En


    This resource helps to better understand pain in general, and more specifically addresses arthritis pain. It provides an overview of the main causes of arthritis pain, the main elements that can amplify this pain. It also presents some non-pharmacological strategies that can help in the management of arthritis pain, as well as a guide to the main analgesics used to treat arthritis pain.

    Reference: Collaborateurs de la société d'arthrite

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/06

  231. Thoughts and emotions
    Length 00:15:00

    Using Mindfulness to Master Chronic Pain  En


    This is a resource on mindfulness: its use, benefits and scientific evidence.

    Reference: Wong, Davidicus.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur. Erwan Leclair, 2020/11/06,

  232. Lifestyle
    Length 00:18:00

    How to Relieve Osteoarthritis and Arthritis  Fr


    Very good video from Denis Fortier, renowned physiotherapist, presenting information on arthritis and osteoarthritis. The video is complete and also presents their impacts, the link with walking and the importance of staying active. It also offers advice and exercise settings.

    Reference: Fortier, Denis.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/19,

  233. Activity pacing
    Length 00:03:00

    Juvenile Chronic Aarthritis and hysiotherapy: Living and Moving  Fr


    Description on juvenile arthritis with advice for its management in connection with the physical activity that it is suggested to practice despite everything.

    Reference: Condé, Anny

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/17,

  234. Sleep
    Length 00:06:30

    Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits  En


    People with chronic pain often have trouble sleeping or staying asleep, wake up too soon, or feel like they never seem to get enough sleep. To improve the situation, adopt a few simple measures that cultivate good sleeping habits.

    Reference: Équipe ACCORD - Travailler ensemble pour la gestion de la douleur chronique.

    Proposed by: Erwan Leclair, 2020/11/21

  235. Activity pacing
    Length 00:05:00

    Living with Chronic Pain  Fr


    It is a document providing education on persistent pain and its consequences on the lives of people who suffer from it. The paper discusses the vicious circle, prevalence, who to see and some resources. The document offers some tips for improving pain management, including performing regular physical activities, managing fatigue, having healthy habits, practicing relaxation techniques, and promoting good sleep.

    Reference: Lemieux, Michèle

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/05

  236. Thoughts and emotions
    Length 00:57:00

    Cultivate Good Morale Despite the Pain!  Fr


    Conference given by a psychologist on tips to adopt in a situation of persistent pain. How to succeed in cultivating good morale despite pain.

    Reference: Rivard, Marie Josée.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur. Erwan Leclair, 2020/11/12

  237. Activity pacing
    Length 00:30:00

    Fibromyalgia: the Real Picture  Fr


    Complete document on what fibromyalgia is as well as several treatment approaches and tips to better manage it, also including a list of resources.

    Reference: Membres du groupe de travail des Associations de fibromyalgie et avec la collaboration de la Chef Client du Réseau de la Santé de la compagnie Pfizer Canada.

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/15

  238. Pain education
    Length 00:04:00

    Science behind the Power of Thought  En


    Video providing information on the brain's ability to modulate and how thoughts and visualization can affect our abilities.

    Reference: Live active.La science derrière le pouvoir de la pensée

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/06

  239. Physical activity
    Length 00:05:00

    Why Exercise is good for People Living With Persistent Pain  En


    Excellent article on the benefits of exercise despite the presence of persistent pain. Deals with particular points only but brilliantly. Author Browyn Lennox-Thompson enjoys an excellent worldwide reputation for treating and teaching patients and professionals with persistent pain.

    Reference: Thompson, Bronwyn Lennox

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur, 2020/11/21

  240. Activity pacing
    Length 00:20:00

    TAPMI: Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute  En


    This website is useful both for patients, caregivers and health professionals who can learn information on persistent pain.

    Reference: Collaborateur du "Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute".TAPMI: Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute

    Proposed by: Réseau québécois de recherche sur la douleur Erwan Leclair, 2020/11/21

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